I am not ready to see them getting old
I remember going back to my parents’ home
A familiar place, where I don’t feel alone
But as soon as I step in, I become a child
All my worries and troubles, suddenly mild
I stop going to the market to buy my own stuff
I ask my dad instead, never feeling enough
Same with my mom, I stop preparing my meals
I ask her to do it, her love it always reveals
I love how she takes care of me, with utmost care
And when I bomb an exam, my tears she’ll bear
She’ll always take my side without any fuss
To her, I’m the best, there’s no need to discuss
My dad treats me as if I’m special, one of a kind
That the world needs me, my intelligence refined
He inspires me to be responsible, to do good
To make a difference, like I always should
My parents are the reason I work hard in life
Their love and support, my source of might
And yet, I have to live so far away
To make them happy, successful, each day
The irony is not lost on me, it’s clear
I want to be with them, to be near
To spend time with them, to live with them too
But life has its ways, to change and renew
I remember the day when I cried in despair
My world was crumbling, my heart beyond repair
But my dad picked up the pieces, piece by piece
And gave me hope, strength, and a sense of peace
I was leaving for the US in two days
My first internship at Adobe, a job that pays
But my girlfriend broke up, shattered my heart
And I was falling apart, torn apart
My dad called, asked if I had my forex sorted
He told me to be responsible, I felt thwarted
And then I cried, cried a lot, like a child
But he was there, with love so mild
He gave me the strength to go on, to fight
He motivated me, helped me see the light
He told me I was special, the world needs me
His words gave me wings, set me free
My mom, she always takes my side
Even when I’m wrong, she’s my guide
She hugs me tight, wipes away my tears
And makes me forget all my fears
Now, as I see them age, I’m filled with dread
Their bodies slower, their steps with lead
I wish I could hold their hands, be there for them
But distance separates us, life’s cruel stem
As I watch my parents age before my eyes
My heart fills up with fear and surprise
They’ve always been my rock, my strength, my guide
But now, their steps are slower, their bodies tired
I remember the hill temple we visited
A place we always went, memories ignited
My dad used to carry me up the hill
But this time, he started panting, the climb uphill
My mom, she had trouble peeling veggies
Her knees aching, her hands growing edgy
She always cooked with love and care
But now, it was becoming harder to bear
I realized then, my heroes were getting old
Their youth and vitality, slowly sold
It hit me hard, I wasn’t ready for this
Their aging bodies, a painful abyss
I wish I could turn back time, make it still
So that they’ll always be strong, have their will
But I know that’s not how life works, it’s fleeting
And my parents will age, their strength depleting
I long to be with them, to hold their hand
To sit with them, talk, and understand
But for now, I can only hope and pray
That their health and happiness will always stay
My parents are getting older, it’s true
But their love for me will always be new
And though I’m not ready for this change
Their love will always be my constant range.